EFT ministries

iMpacting Kids
The pictures above are of our iMpact youth group. Included are members who went to Mexico during their Easter vacation to build houses for some Mexican families.

Our goal is to impact the lives of youth through the love of God. Our youth group is named "iMpact" because we want to be impacted by Christ through prayer and the Word. We want our youth to be impacted by Christ through our gathering together and learning, serving, and having fun. It's also our desire that your friends would be impacted by Christ through you wherever you may be. We look to build relationships through Christ and give our youth a foundation of faith to build on.
We have started a new children's curriculum called Dig-In, creating deeper bible experiences for kids. You can find out more at: https://diginapp.group.com/Demo
Seniors' Ministry
On the third Sunday of each month, the  members of the church that are over 50 meet for a potluck dinner and activities.
The Christian Education Department of EFT is headed up by Genelle Uppal. The department includes our Sunday School classes and Children's Church.
iMpact Youth Group
Christian Education
Each Christmas season, Mary George has EFT make up shoe boxes with items for children in other countries.  The boxes are wrapped with Christmas wrapping paper. See Mary for more details.
Genelle Uppal
Education Coordinator
Christmas Shoe Box
Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry is the women of the church who meet and bond with each other in various luncheons, dinners, events, and fundraisers throughout the year. This is a great way to get to know your fellow sisters in the church.